What more could a two year old want than a scooter and a skate board? Koa is 100% all boy. Since I don't have a big enough house or yard for that matter we celebrated the big day at a near by park. It was great to have all of our friends come and hang out. My great friend Angie made Koa's sweet cake. He loved it! Seriously he just stared at it for hours. Thanks Ga Ga Googles for the scooter and helmet, he has not got off it since the day he opened it.
Grandma Smith gave Koa his matching Woody doll and PJ's . He wants to wear them every night. I was putting Koa to bed and he had Woody doll with him. Koa kept pulling the string so the doll would talk. I said Koa, you have to be quiet now. He look at Woody and said , Woody time out! He would pull the string again and say Woody shhh... time out no talking. I guess he gets the point. Its fun to see Koa grow up and develop his own little personality. He sure does have lots of it.
White Coat Ceremony @ Barry University
Congrats to all the third year "Student Doctors". Jimmie and the crew received their doctors "white coats" a few weeks ago. I promised my mother-in-law pictures of the fun day, sorry they took so long to get on the blog. Kathy, you should be more than proud of the wonderful son you have raised. He is such an amazing husband, Daddy, and soon to be podiatrist. Anyone who has done any type of graduate school knows the intensity of studying and dedicating their lives to becoming a doctor. I need to brag about my sweet man for a minute. He has worked his tail off. They have had school Saturdays and Sundays for the last two weeks. Jimmie has had test, quizzes and the joys of waiting to find out their board scores. I just watch him in awe as he puts the time into becoming the best doctor and person he can be. I could never study that much for that long. Now it's party time, Jimmie has the whole month of August off, we plan on doing some good exploring of Florida. I love you Jimmie, thanks for working day and night for our family.