Iron Man is in the house. Jimmie and I found a few costumes for Koa before Christmas at a store that was going out of business needless to say Koa makes me put Iron Man on about 50 times a day. Although some days I get a little annoyed, I just remind myself how cute it is that he loves to dress up , someday I will be missing putting his costumes on him.
We have to soak in as much time as possible before July comes. I can't believe we are leaving so soon.

Jimmie and I discovered a new Sunday event on the roof of our parking garage. Since we don't have a yard or much of any open space for that matter, you have to get creative. Now we can use our long boards, Koa's bike and scooter and not worry about getting hit by all the crazy drivers of South Florida.

Genie Girl is back... for only 4 months, but we will take what we can get. We got to party at our house for two weeks while she was waiting for her apartment to open up. This picture shows how big I look next to skinny mini Genie. Only 4 weeks left until I get induced!!! Two AVERETT boys!! Welcome Home Genie.

3 mile fun Run... Most of us are pregnant, but hey it still turned out great. I loved having all the families out there running, roller skating (GO SHARON) , pushing strollers on the Aventura loop. After the run we met at the park for a family picnic. These are the little things I am going to miss the most...our wonderful FRIENDS. I have spent many hours on this piece of pavement and will honestly miss it when we move.