Thursday, July 9, 2009

Goodbye to our Buddies!

Lindsey Nelson is the ring leader of Florida. She sets up the play dates, organizes the running groups, and is one of my best friends! I feel so lucky to have had so many good memories with her. She will really really really be missed. Florida just won't be the same without you.


Justin + kelly said...

HA. all I can think of is "I hate goodbyes... just go." Name that movie!

The Nelsons said...

I want to cry!!!! I already miss you guys. So you really HAVE to come to NYC!

Unknown said...

So sad...

Jimmy- We will do a couples trip. Damon and I miss you. Oh yeah. Nichole and I were talking about going to Big Bear while you were here in Cali. Let me know when you are coming so we can plan it.

Susan said...

Coly, you look hot! That's all I have to say, except you've done that by working out pushing only a SINGLE running stroller. See, I told you that you are amazing!!!