Koa is keeping busy and loving his new brother...sometimes a little to much. Lots of kisses, hugs and tight squeezes. It is fun to see how much he is in love already. They will for sure be best buds.

I can't believe Koa number 2 is here. He looks just like Koa did when he was a baby.
I am not sure why some of the pictures are really small, but my friend Britt Andersen did an amazing job taking our pictures. Thanks Britt.
Life has been better than I could imagine. Beckham is such a good boy. He hardly cries, and only wakes up once in the night. I am almost scared to think this is normal because when I do, I am afraid it will change.
Jimmie and I have been loving our family time. He had a week off for spring break, which helped me out beyond words. He played with Koa, changed Beckham's diapers, and was my little servant helping me with anything I needed. On Thursday Jimmie's Mom came and has been helping us out. Its been great to have her here. She is such a great lady who we love so stinkin much!
Although I must say I was terrified to deliver in Florida and have a shared room, but it actually turned out to be wonderful. My nurses where awesome and I only ended up sharing a room one night. I have to admit it was a 100 times better than my delivery in Utah, it probably had something to do with the fact that I was only in labor for two hours here and 38 in Utah.