Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One Month Old Already!!

I cannot believe we have had this sweet little boy in our lives for a whole month. It has just zoomed by way to quickly. I just want to freeze time and keep him a tiny infant forever. He brings so much happiness into our home.

Beckham has already been to the beach a few times. We have to squeeze as many beach days in before we leave.
Disney On Ice
I think I might have enjoyed it more than half the kids. I have been wanting to go see Disney on Ice for a couple of years now. See dreams do come true. I know Iron Man is not part of the Disney show, but it is hard to leave our house without a costume on. His Buzz costume just didn't make the cut, he had to have Iron Man. (I tired talking him into Buzz it would have looked so much better for pictures)
Great seats (front row)+ Great friends+ the toy story gang = way to much fun for one little boy to handle!
Some things never change. I have a picture just like this with Jimmie holding Koa.
We had to upgrade to a double bob. Although it is massive, I LOVE IT!! Beckham has already been on a few runs.
Beckham's Baby Blessing
I was excited to have my Mom here for Beckham's blessing. Thanks for all the help and fun! We sure do love and appreciate all you do for us.

We LOVED LOVED having Kathy come help with Baby Beckham. Koa (and Jimmie and I) could not get enough of her. Thanks for all the cleaning, babysitting, meals, and gifts.
Koa's best friend Ty Ty


Alyssa/Jo said...

DOUBLE BOB!! You are officially the coolest mommy runner there is! I will never get over how tiny newborns are. Beckham seems so tiny!

Souza Family said...

Your boys are adorable! Glad to hear you are all happy and well.

Sharon said...

Beckham is so cute in his blessing outfit smiling! We were so grateful to be there for one very special blessing!

Kera said...

love all of the pictures. love the double bob. love beckam. love you and your tiny body ONE MONTH after having a baby! teach me.

Tara said...

So cute! I love Becham's is FABULOUS! YOu are looking awesome.

M said...

It is idiculous how amazingly great you look Nichole! And gosh you just have the cutest kids! I just loved Beckham's hair in the first picture.

The Hammonds said...

Cole!! You possibly might have the cutest family out there. Love it. You look amazing!! You seriously are so stunning and you're teeny tiny so quickly! I love Koa's haircut by the way. Good work on all levels!! Love you guys